Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year, New Resolution!

Happy very belated New Years to you all! I have been so behind but had a wonderful Christmas with family and a bit of an extended vacation from photos. As much as I love, love, love what I do, it was so nice to not have deadlines to meet and to be able to just enjoy capturing my own family as they celebrated Christmas and New Years.

So a new year is a new beginning and to start this year (and my 3rd year in business) I'm making a photo resolution. I have sorely neglected this blog and my goal this year is to keep it more current with my sessions. I'm determined to get my sessions blogged in a timely fashion so that you all can keep an eye on what I'm up to.

So let's kick the year off with my first session. This was my first family snow session for this year and I loved it. There's something about being out in the snow both bundled and not :-)

And I couldn't resist including Barley in the pics!

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