Monday, September 10, 2012

Brand New Baby C!

I love when clients become friends.  I met this family a couple of years ago when they booked a session with me for the eldest daughter.  She was turning 5 and they wanted to celebrate this with a special photo session (I absolutely loved that idea!).  Their 3 girls were so much fun!  I couldn't help but think to myself that Sadie would love these girls.

Then, last year Sadie started at a new preschool and it happened to be the same school that two of their daughters were going to.  Sadie ended up being in class with their middle girl and the girls quickly became friends.

Then came baby #4 this summer.  

I was so excited to have the opportunity to photograph this loving family again.  

So without further ado, meet Baby C and his adoring big sisters!

Congratulations on your new blessing!

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