Thursday, August 9, 2012

Back to School Minis!

the dreaded words for kids and happy words for moms and dads everywhere...

Back to School!

Yes it's time.  The end of summer is fast approaching.  Swimming suits have vanished from the stores to be replaced by uniforms and school supplies.

And it's extra big in this house with my baby heading off to kindergarten.  I'm already anxious about the chaos of getting 2 children out the door and up to the bus stop on time that first day and they each have their own issues that make them very difficult to get going in the morning. Add to that the pressure of getting that 1st day of school photo...

So I started thinking.. What if we had a practice run for the first day of school?  It could help my monkeys with conquering those first day jitters and give me the opportunity to get that first day of school shot without the first day of school stress.

So, get your little ones ready for school.  Dress them in their first day finest, hand them their brand new bookbags, an apple for teacher and we'll snap away some great "first day of school images" without the stress of having to actually getting to school on time.

So what exactly am I offering?

A Back-to-School Mini Session at your house for $100.
30 minutes of shooting and a gallery of back to school images to choose from
a $25 print credit

and a little bit less stress for mom and dad on the actual first day of school :-)

This mini session is $100  (+tax) and is for all kids in your family who are headed off to school- preschool, elementary, middle or high.  This mini session offer will be going on from now through September 30.  Message me to schedule your date.  Payment is due at booking.

and yes, that's a book on my boy's head.  Gotta have reading material on the first day of school :-)

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