Friday, August 10, 2012

Birthday Boys!

The summer is almost done and I'm frantically trying to play catch-up with the blog.  So many sessions that haven't had their moment in the sun so here's the first.

Two sweet little brothers.  The older Mr. S, turning 3 and the younger, Mr. J, turning 1 in back to back birthdays.  Boy do they keep their mama busy.  For this session, I busted out my secret weapon- Sadie.  Yep, my little girl came along to work as my "assistant."  Her job was to blow bubbles and use any means necessary to get smiles from these two boys.  She worked hard and as you can see, I did get a few smiles.

Keep watching the blog.  My little assistant might be making future appearances.  She's now changed her future plans from wanting to be a ballerina/cowgirl to being a photographer, like Mommy.  :-)

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