Thursday, January 31, 2008

more baby pics

I couldn't help it. I've been having so much fun looking at the pictures and editing them, I just had to share a couple more. Hope you like them!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Back to Work

So I've been fortunate to have spent time these past two weekends taking pictures. The first was a 19 mos old and his mom and despite some low lighting, I think I was able to capture some special shots. They were so nice and patient- I was a little nervous, this was my first time taking pictures of someone I had never met before. Then last weekend, I got to meet and photograph my friend's new baby girl (5 weeks old). Such a beautiful little girl. She was so alert and pleasant most of the time I was there. And she loved to kick her legs and wiggle around. It made me miss Sadie being so small.

Here are some of my shots

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Caleb pic

I haven't been able to get any new pictures of Caleb lately. We've been battling colds which has meant a lot of runny noses and crankiness (not exactly ideal conditions for cute pictures). So I pulled out my shots from Phipps back in October and started playing around with them.

i put a bit of a copper tinge to this and softened the focus to give it an aged and dreamy feel.

these are pieces of blown glass that i zoomed in on. i just really liked the lines and colors and how they came together.

oh, i put up the link to my Better Photo gallery. this is where i enter photos to get critique. it's a great site.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

2 cute sadie shots

i haven't been taking many new pics lately (silly winter gray days) so i've been looking back at what i've done in the past and seeing what's there. here are two shots of sadie from oct and nov and i touched them up a little and thought they were really cute and worth posting.

hope you like

a friend suggested i call this "Caboose." i just love her chubby little legs.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Slow Going

Well, Christmas is finally over... it's not that i don't like Christmas. i actually love the holidays and having people to see and time to relax as a family. it's just that this year Christmas has been going on since the week before Dec 25 and i have to admit, i'm ready to get back to routine.

not much to report in the way of pictures. i'm supposed to have a session on Friday and i'm crossing my fingers that i don't get sick. Caleb and Sadie and Andy all have bad colds (well, Andy's isn't too bad and Sadie is on the mend). i'm just hoping that i don't get it.

i finished Sadie's one year pictures (check out my smugmug site to see them) and i've just been playing around with this thing called virtual photographer. it works with my editing software to create different effects on my pictures. it's been really cool to work with. so i have been looking at some pictures i took last year to see if i can improve them at all.

Caleb in the snow (before)

Caleb in the snow (after)

I tried to make the new version a little more subtle and cool. Let me know what you think. I'm still not sure that I like it.