Friday, April 13, 2012

Lacrosse and Cheerios

Have I mentioned how I love photographing families again and again throughout the year?  Well, I really do. I enjoy getting to reconnect for a little while and I love that the kids come to know me.  There's something special about it.

This session was to mark Mr. C turning 6 and the youngest boy, Mr. J turning 9 months.  It was a fun session.  Mr. C was eager to show off his new lacrosse skills and to educate me a little bit on the game.  I actually know very little about lacrosse, despite living in Baltimore, Md for 5 years (it's the sport down in that area).  

I don't know about you, but I would be totally intimidated to meet this guy on the field :-)

Then it was time for the little guy to have his turn in front of the camera.  And again, I'm amazed by how quickly they grow.  Back before Christmas, Mr. J was very close to mastering sitting up but not quite there yet.  Mom would prop him up, I would snap the picture and then Mom would grab him as he toppled over.  It was quite comical.  

And 3 months later, he's a master at sitting up but you won't catch him like that for long because he's on the move.  Our solution to that...a Cheerios snack.

And we couldn't have a session without all 3 boys in the mix.  Such sweet boys!

See you boys in a few months when the middle man turns 3 and Mr. J turns 1!