Friday, May 18, 2012

Meet Mr. E!

Spring is here and this spring I've had the pleasure of photographing a few new little ones and they are quickly becoming one of my favorite subjects to photograph.  Of course that's mostly because usually get to have a little cuddle with them during the session.  I love my two monkeys but I have to admit, there's a big difference between cuddling a little peanut under 10 lbs and cuddling one of my own at 4 ft and 40 lbs.

So here's the first little prince.  Oh, to be able to sleep this peacefully.

Such funny faces!

So much fun!  

I'll be looking forward to seeing Mr. E hopefully in the fall when he's ready to sit up for me and maybe in a baseball outfit?
Congratulations again Matt and Jenny!  You will be great parents!