Session fees will be increasing from $40 to $60 starting September 1. This is something I've been thinking about doing for quite some time. It's important for me to be affordable, especially during these tough economic times, but I also have to be competitive in order to remain a viable business. This increase is to better reflect the time that I invest in each image I show to my clients.
The good news is that sessions booked now are still $40 so you can book a fall session this month and still get that $40 price. So if you know you're going to want holiday pictures, contact me now to schedule and receive the $40 price.
Other offers:Pass-it-on Discount- recommend Jodi Walsh Photography to friends and family and if they book a session with me, you get $10 off your next session.
Baby's 1st Year Package- $200
4 photo sessions to mark baby's milestones that first year (3 mos, 6 mos, 9 mos, and 1yr) plus receive an 8x10 photo collage at the end of the year showcasing your little one's first year. (session fee does not include prints unless otherwise specified)
Becoming Mommy Package- $100
2 photo sessions, a maternity session and then a newborn session after the little one arrives. I can also design a birth announcement for you to send out to friends and family. (session fee does not include prints unless otherwise specified)
Again, thank you very much for your support!