I've been contemplating when to post this but now that it's July, I think it's time. There will be big changes at the end of this month for me and my family. We moving out of Oakland (the city) and heading to the North Hills (the suburbs). It's sad that we'll no longer be walking distance to the library, the museum and of course
Dave & Andy's but it'll be so nice to have a little more space and a little more quiet.
How does that affect Jodi Walsh Photography?
Well, for now, I'm completely booked for July so I will not be scheduling more sessions for this month. Also I'll be taking the month of August off. We're moving out of our current house at the end of this month but the new house won't be ready until the end of August so we'll be in limbo for some time. It's not exactly the best way to manage a business but it's also not too bad because we get to spend time with our family in NJ and with my family out in Derry. I'm still crossing my fingers that the house might be finished ahead of schedule :-) because I'd much rather be setting up my new house even though lounging by my mom's pool is a happy alternative.
Other than the change of address and the complications of the actual move, nothing about my business will change. I will continue to travel into Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas to provide beautiful photos for my clients. I will also be keeping up with email and hopefully posting more pics from our adventures moving.
And in September, I'll be back with a Back-to-School special...I'm thinking possibly a mini-session morning but details will follow sometime in August :-)
Now, I just hate saying no to people so if you are interested in pictures, please contact me in September when I'll be able to say yes again :-)
I've really enjoyed being so busy this year and meeting new clients! You guys are the best and I hope that the new location will give me new opportunities to share my photography with others as well.