Over the past few years I've been involved with a special organization,
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). As a mother of 2 kids who are only 14 mos apart in age, this group helped me in so many ways as I made my way through those early years as a mom. As my kids have gotten older and are now getting ready to start Kindergarten, I'm transitioning out of the group but I still try to support them in any way that I can. Just last month I was invited to give a little talk on how to take better pictures of your kids and in the fall I donated a photo session as they tried to raise money to continue their organization.
This family was the winner of the session and I love that I was able to share my gift with such a sweet family.
It just so happened that this little guy was turning 1! A perfect opportunity to get some pics of him and a nice family picture of them all.