October started out slow and easy but quickly became chaotic. I had 3 sessions scheduled for the first week in October but had to cancel one when my stepmother became very sick and needed hospitalized. She went home to be with the Lord on October 14th and my family and I are still adjusting day by day to life without Grammie. Thank you all who expressed your sympathy and prayers for my family as we've being mourning and adjusting to this loss. Thank you especially to the Milbrandts and the Hursts who have patiently waited for their edited sessions. Photography is still an art form and as an artist it's hard to produce work while grieving the loss of a loved one.
I've been working hard this week to get caught up on all my editing before the influx of Christmas pictures begins.
Here are some images from my October sessions to give an idea of what I've been working on...

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